Saturday, June 18, 2005

Blogz0r Hax0r

Today I walked through a Blogger Hack that makes comments appear on the main page, and allows you to show/hide them with a click (on the "n comments" link). I didn't figure out that this Preview wouldn't reflect this change, and spent an extra two hours on it as a result. Oh well, I'm happy it's now finally working. The disadvantage is your browser has to support Javascript for it to work. And your comments should now contribute to Google Bot's understanding of my page...when he comes by.

Speaking of whom, a nice person on IRC advised me that Google bot could take weeks or even months to crawl a site, and that's why my ads are not relative to the blog's contents. So Google Bot, I would like to apologize for criticizing your crawling ability without being informed, and please visit me soon! :)

Oh, there are some more customizations of my blog—can you find them out?

And my two days off from work are over...9 hours tomorrow and the day after, and I don't know how much more are waiting for me...


Tanvir said...

Ooh. Nice hack! I think I'll implement it to my blog too! Thanks! :D

Tanvir said...

No, wait... what was I thinking?
I already have popup-comments. So I don't need those "Peek-a-boo comments". :D

hagabaka said...

WTF man, pop-ups are uncool!

Tanvir said...

No, no... pop-ups for teh win!

And the good thing about pop-up comments is that you don't open the comment page in the same window, so you can stay on my blog at the same time as you can comment on it. ;)

hagabaka said...

meh, the comment posting window has links to go back to the blog easily, and I could make it open in a new window, but that's again a's pretty easy to make it open in a new window if you use Firefox anyway.

Tanvir said...

Yes, you CAN open it in a new window with Firefox/Opera/Almost any other browser if you want to, but I don't want it to be by choice. People should be force to open another window. Like in my blog!

And when you want to go back to the blog from the comment posting page, you still have to reload the blog. And all those comments to the posts you've had that were shown get collapsed, because you reloaded the page. So...
Pop-ups > Peek-a-boo